Monday, March 29, 2010

Springtime - Veggie Time!

    We are full on into Spring and for me, eating is a way for me to try to be in complete denial about allergy season. Springtime invites us to use veggies – especially those farm grown and there is nothing better than locally grown. Soon your local Farmer's Market will open and that usually happens every Saturday (you will have to check on correct times and opening date). The variety of veggies at the Farmer's Market is delightful so let's plan some meals centered around them!
     When you go to the Market, try to get a variety of veggies: some for quick cooking or served raw like kale, spinach, lettuce, and cabbage and then some that keep awhile in or out of the fridge such as beets, squash, potatoes, carrots and cauliflower. Some of these are good both cooked and raw. Oh, and don't forget the broccoli!
     I ate the most wonderful dish last night and so I will share it with you. There is something about the combination of potatoes and squash with fresh Rosemary that is quite uncanny. It tastes almost like sweet potatoes but then you get a bite of potato which is a whole other taste. This dish cooks for a long time and can be served as a main course if you like. I served it with Almond Encrusted Cod and Baked Brussels Sprouts with Pecans and it was delish. 

Butternut Squash with New Potatoes and Rosemary, Serves 2-4
Butternut Squash – use half of it - cut into 1” chunks – 2 cups
(cut up the whole squash and freeze what you don't use)
Red or White small potatoes cut into 1/2” chunks – 2 cups
(about 4-5 potatoes)
Garlic cloves, whole peeled, about 8 (yup!!)
Salt and Pepper
Olive Oil ¼ cup
Fresh Rosemary one sprig cut into 1” pieces
1/4 Cup Water

Cut up squash & potatoes, peel garlic and cut Rosemary, then put into crock pot with salt, pepper and oil. Mix to combine, then add water, mix and put on high for 2 ½ – 3 hours. If you can, stir about every 30-40 minutes.
Almond Encrusted Cod: get Almond meal from Trader Joe's or make your own. Dip fish into egg, then coat with the almond meal and sautee in butter and olive oil. Or use Panko Bread Crumbs.

Baked Brussels Sprouts with Pecans: Preheat oven to 425. Cut the sprouts in half, steam until fork tender. Put on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with olive oil, add chopped pecans and some chopped garlic, toss to mix. Bake for about 10 - 15 minutes - the longer they cook, the crispier they get which I like.

1 comment:

  1. The Farmer's Market! I had let winter get the best of me and therefor had forgotten all about the Farmer's Market!

    Again, the recipes look delish! That butternut squash and new potato one made my tummy grumble and my mouth water; a sure sign I must try it. Thanks Kay!
